Shabbat Yitro and Coming Events
Shabbat at 9:30 AM (Feb. 18th, 2017 – 22nd of Shevat, 5777) – Shabbat morning services (parashat Yitro) followed by Kiddush.
Upcoming events – more details to follow soon:
2/17 – Havdalah and special show at LEITNER FAMILY OBSERVATORY & PLANETARIUM (Yale Univ.) Members from Orchard Street Shul will lead the singing!
3/3-4 – Kabbalat Shabbat & special dinner with guests and Orchard Street Shul alumni R. Yaakov and DeDe Komisar leading discussions over Shabbat.
3/11-12 – Purim! Activities at Orchard Street Shul and the Communal Purim Seudah at The Westville Synagogue.