Kabbalat Shabbat, “Sushi & Shots”, and Shabbat services!
Friday at 5:30 PM (Feb. 3rd, 2017 – 7th/8th of Shevat, 5777) – Kabbalat Shabbat, followed by “Sushi & Shots”. Come for the melodic service, then enjoy good food and drink. Special thanks to Polina Mann & Stuart Cohn for sponsoring the sushi.
Shabbat at 9:30 AM (Feb. 4th, 2016 – 8th of Shevat, 5777) – Shabbat morning services (parashat Bo) followed by Kiddush.
Our congregation relies upon kind donations in addition to our low membership dues to make possible our wonderful kiddush spreads. Please let us know how you can help – your funds and/or your donation of time to help on various committees is needed and appreciated!